

UBC Studios is an on-campus production studio that provides professional quality media at a lower cost than outside agencies. Our studio space features advanced equipment and experienced staff dedicated to providing end-to-end creative production services.

We hold monthly drop-in consultation sessions, and encourage staff and students to bring in their current projects for hands-on assistance. Wherever you are in the production process, we are here to help. For more information click here.

How To Use This Site

One of the great things about DIY media is that you have complete control over every aspect of your work. However, starting from scratch can be daunting, especially if you’ve never created your own media.

This site provides basic information on how to create 4 different types of media, dependent on your needs. Under the “Video” tab, you will find directions for creating Live Action, Animation, and Screencast media. Under the “Audio” tab, you will find information for creating a podcast. For each media type, we provide a step-by-step breakdown of how to create your own media.